The Truth Is Hard To Face.

This is so great and so true! The days we feel the weakest because the world is throwing everything at us are the days we are the strongest and bravest because we’re still here afterwards. Also, so beautifully written!

Indisposed and Undiagnosed

One day you are going to look back at this moment and realise that this was you at your strongest, not weakest;

That what felt like the end of the world, wasn’t;

That behind the tears and the ugly in Chronic Illness,

you were beautiful;

That you were destined for things beyond medication trials and side effects,

soulcrushing appointments and trying to keep food down;

And on this day,

you’ll know that you

defined brave,

and that you were loved more than you knew.

A neverending day of shaking, nausea, medication numbness, holding onto everything to stay balanced, an inability to digest, and my love for this toilet. A neverending day of shaking, nausea, medication numbness, holding onto everything to stay balanced, an inability to digest, and my love for this toilet.

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Been Too Long

Just giving you guys an update on life. Lots to share not a lot of energy to type it. Hope to be posting again soon. Take care of yourselves!

…I made a vlog that was apparently too long since I don’t pay for wordpress and can’t upload it. I’m including a link for it, I know, scary, clicking links. I’m sorry. I just added it to my google drive. So that’s all it is, a video blog I made on my phone then uploaded to google drive. I understand if you pass on this post because of it. In the future, much smaller vlog’s or paying for wordpress if I want to keep sharing that way….which is actually much easier for me. So come see me face to screen if you want if not you can catch me next time. Also, I did not make notes for the video, I say umm a lot, please forgive me, lol.

My First Ever Vlog!!

Um, wow.

So, you may not be hearing from me as much. I already went in for an interview for the doggy daycare attendant position and pending a trial run I got the job! It’s only two days a week but I imagine because of my fibro I will need more recovery time than I used to. I’m excited but nervous because it’s been about 4 years since I had a normal job with a boss and a paycheck. But I’m pretty damn sure I got this. Things changed really fast but I think it’s all good. I guess we’ll see. I’m sure I’ll face new obstacles while trying to work with fibro. I’ll be thinking of you all and I’ll give you an update when I can.

Learning From Bloggers

Hey guys! So it’s been way too long. Life has been crazy, as always. We had been spending a lot of time with a friend of ours who is having a bit of a sad streak while dealing with some paternity and child support issues. We were pretty much spending all of our free time with him so he didn’t have to be alone. Then this Monday my husband went back to work with the company that closed down while dealing with legal issues. The day he went back to work he got a call saying he’d gotten the job at Whole Foods that he had interviewed for. So he went from no job to two jobs.

I had been thinking I could get working again as well. I thought it was maybe two or three months out because I wanted to keep working at the gym to get my strength and energy levels back up. On a whim I looked at Craigslist and there was a position for an attendant at a doggy daycare/hotel.  I decided I couldn’t pass that up and turned in a resume and cover letter today. Wish me luck!

But, to the real point of this post, lol. I got an idea from one of you to keep a binder for my fibro. I believe the bloggers binder was meant to hold test results, I knew a fibro journal would be different. I made an outline weeks ago but just got the paper and dividers I needed recently. My binder has a page with my current medications tucked in the first pocket.

The first section lists upcoming appointments followed by dividers with sections for symptoms, sleep, activity, diet and test results. The pocket in the back of the binder has a page with my doctors and their contact info.

In symptoms I just list anything I remember that bothered me that day, dry eyes, muscle spasms, thumb on right hand had shooting pain, anything like that.


For the sleep section, I write when I go to bed and when I wake up, the total hours I slept that night and any time where I was in and out getting really choppy sleep.

For activity I list what I did at the gym if I went and anything else I do throughout the day where I use a lot of energy or expect it to cause pain, strain or over exertion. Activity also contains the packet from my rhuematologist about exercising with fibro and all the handouts from my physical therapists.

In diet I write down anything I eat or drink besides water or meds, then again maybe I should keep track of that too.

And in test results I have any blood tests I have had recently and any other results I had in my files that could be relevant or complete the picture.

My hope is that with a record of all this I can find triggers for my symptoms and make my doctors appointments easier because I won’t have to remember every little thing. It feels like a whole new way to take charge of my life and my health and I love it.

**I keep trying to add photos but most aren’t appearing. So apologies for lack of photos and if there ends up being duplicates blame the WordPress app. **